How (maybe) to deal with Evil

There has been alot of frustration in my life about what to do about evil. I have been so passive about evil not acting against it letting it go on wherever it is. I'm talking about evil in our society, three in particular i despise, abortion, pornography, and human trafficking.

In my mind and heart these are the most tenacious evils and i would see them altogether removed from existence. I know there will always be pervasive  evil in the world, but i soooo eagerly want to wage war against it anyway. Oddly enough as a christian, i've never been able to commit myself to the destruction of these things.

Turns out i am not qualified to fight evil, i myself am compromised. I am a hypocrite if i say, "That is evil". I am not a hypocrite if i say, "God pronounces that is evil". Then i am under the same ruling and we are equal. I am a follower of Christ and I am saved form God's perfect justice.

Christ teaches love first and foremost because we all need love. Christ died to show his love for his enemies, namely us! That is our example, we are to love with our very lives because our live were bought with love.

I am not to wave the Christian banner going in to destroy and tear down, I am to do whatever it takes to genuinely love people who align themselves against God's principals. Hoping they will come to know salvation and know love.

God himself will bring the heat and perfect justice will be served.


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